Bond with your leather articles and keep them sterile

Leather is a material which ranges in its texture from soft to hard. There are certain requirements in cleaning the different leather substance. Read the below pointers for certain basic products which we generally tend to use. Care for leather clothes, shoes, furniture, accessories

  1. If your leather product has caught dust then gently swipe it off with soft bristled brushes or cloth.
  2. If they have absorbed leaks and stains then take a clean soft cloth and soak it in warm water and rub it over the stained surface. If the stains are too stubborn like ink then use the recommended manufacturers conditioners and lotions.
  3. Use ink gel or stick to remove ink stains. This kit picks up the ink blots and stains very easily and can be found in market.
  4. In case of leather furniture’s, use vacuum cleaner and soft cloth to take filth out and if they tear then restore the leather cover. In case of cracks, fill it with leather liquid professionally.
  5. Leather shoes should be polished with leather shoe polish and should be weatherproofed regularly.
Washing and storing
  1. Use mild soaps and conditioners and avoid exposure to direct sunlight and dry clean regularly. Some of the leather products are washable, use the washing machine dryer or dry it in room temperature for days.
  2. Store the leather products in cool and dry place away from moisture elements and put the jackets, coats, shirts hung on the hangers. This keeps the cloth in shape and ensures that they are not creased.
  3. Use spray protectors which have the attribute to repel these clothing’s off dirt and bacterial growth.
  4.  When you iron the leather fabric, use press plastic or brown paper so that they don’t come in direct contact with the surface of iron and always set the iron at a low heat medium.
Remove unnecessary odor and stains
  1. To remove odors, place a table spoon of soda bicarbonate or coffee pods after the leather product is washed. It absorbs the stagnant odor and renders a fresh smell.
  2. To remove sweat pores, use warm lubricant leather oils to treat with. This leaves the material free of any irritation that might occur.
  3. If your leather merchandise has caught mildew then mix equal portion of water and rubbing alcohol and treat the area. This will make your cloth free of germs and stop further growth of bacteria’s.
  4. Blood stains and urine marks should not be left on the leather for a long time as they can leave a putrid odor and damage the garment. Wash them immediately using warm baby soap water.
Now you have an immediate guide to take a good care of leather items.

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