Bow ties knock on the trend with more zest and style

In the past, bow ties came to be worn by professionals like lawyers, architects, professors, waiters and orchestra people. These were a symbol of perfection and smartness. A person wearing a bow tie would be looked upon as someone having a class and standard. They were an example of tidiness and punctuality.  It was the French, who gave a new identity to the bow ties. Basically bow ties are a strip of a fiber which is weaved into a bow shape either manually by hand or adjusted with the help of clip on. It is a kind of a necktie and some of them are meant to be left untied and slipped on the collar of the shirt as a flowing strip resting on both sides of your neckline. Primarily bow ties were used to keep the openings of the shirt in place and secure. It was more like a scarf then. But later they gained specific shapes with fashion interest. Now these ties are worn in many events like that of weddings, dances, traditional functions. In formal meetings and proceedings, bow ties have come to stand as authority and business mindset. Bowties go well with coats, suits, tuxedos and even casual shirts. In modern times, bow ties are worn by people not forbidding to just professional surroundings. These are characterized by more casual outings and parties. Men and women both sport bowties and can be independently worn. Some of the women have taken a step further and have used bow ties even to secure their hair. The ribbon of fabric is used to tie the hair knot into a bow and the shape rests beautifully on the crest of the bun. Bowties can have a straight fit with no angles pointed at the loops in the edge or they can have the stand out triangular jaunt. Some of them even have diamond cut edge. All these cuts and shapes are personalized of choices and demands. They also vary in sizes. Many fine sized bowties look valuable when you plan to go for a date. They add a hint of self-assurance on your shirt and image. This always attracts girls and boys to each other. A folded bowties having two or more flowing strands of bows are a segmented niche in this category. These are made of rich silk and used by models and urban class people. The material for bowties can be either natural or synthetic based on your convenience. The patterns range from plain to dot and other asymmetrical designs and floral prints. You can add a plethora of imaginative pattern to your bow tie.

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