Floral patterned suede leather shirts are for both men and women

Suede leather shirts are known for their velvety feel and a crease free effect. You can more spice and fun to these shirts by getting a floral patterned leather shirt for yourself. They can be worn in both casual and formal setting. For formal wear suede leather shirts having a front lining of small rose petal designs on the button line gives a royal look to women and even men. These give an ethnic radiance to your outfit and make you look unique. While leather shirts having floral work patterns on the pockets look smart and give your suede leather a crisp fit. Suede leather shirts having smudged floral patterns of different flowers with a hazed effect look simple yet elegant. You can also have satin floral work on your suede leather shirt to give it a classy feel and you won’t be disappointed by the reactions of your colleagues at all. The shoulder line can have embroidery of floral patterns on the suede leather shirt to make you look stronger and more confident of your movements. Men can flaunt their burly look combined with their innocence in suede leather shirts having a tapering floral pattern at the hem and the bottom line of the shirt. For casual wear you can have a suede leather shirt that has a full open front and floral patterned buttons for closure. These can be worn in picnics and beach party. Vibrant colored floral designs on the suede leather shirt covering the full surface will give you a natural essence of the nature and joy. Suede leather shirts having floral work on the collars individually are a famous pattern in this category. If you want such shirts for parties then you can a floral pattern on the rear of your suede leather shirt separately while the front has no design at all. This gives a branded and a premium look to your personality. Try some tribal patterns of flowers on your suede leather shirt and infuse the energy of the night in the surrounding! Planning for a camp fire night, get a suede leather shirt sprayed with protective oil which will keep the ashes away from percolating on the floral pattern edges and your outfit. Suede leather shirts having a rustic burgundy color look striking in the floral vines drape design on the sleeves and the chest area. This gives a fresh and a lively look throughout the day. For men and women both, floral patterns on suede leather shirts gather immense gratification in terms of the snugness and soft feel. So get a suede leather shirt soon having a floral pattern and reveal your creativity.

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