Give a Glossy Texture to Your Leather Jacket

Most of us have a set of leather jackets styled in our wardrobe but he hardly get time to take proper care of it due to our stressful life. However, we can spend at least half an hour for our leather outfit if we have a desire to preserve it for ample period of time. Buying a leather jacket is very easy but maintaining it has become a difficult task for everyone of us. One thing that all of us need to think about is the penny we have spent on a luxurious outfit. Therefore, here are some treatments you need to follow if you want to give a shine or glossy appeal over your leather jacket-

  1. You need to really have knowledge about the fabric used to design your leather jacket. Every leather jacket you see in the market place is styled in animal skin which is however same like human skin. It tends to dry up after specific periods of time hence need to allow it to regain its soft touch again. For instance, we tend to apply lotion and creams when our skin dries out it is the case with leather too. You need to apply conditioner over it.
  2. Make use of micro fiber cloth while you condition your leather jackets. The conditioner used for leather apparels are easily available in the fashion market. You can even get it from the shop from where you got your leather jacket.
  3. Apply the required amount of conditioner over your jacket because the more efficiently you give it conditioning it will be moisturized to give out a royal appeal.
  4.  As soon as you apply the conditioner over the leather jacket, crumple it with your hand. Give a proper crush to some of the important portions like cuffs, shoulder and collar portion so that the conditioner settles in the minute areas of the outfit. Once you are done apply one more layer of conditioner over the outfit.
  5. Take a dryer and keep the heat level medium. Give the leather jacket proper amount of heart to let it dry completely. Once the jacket is dried, use a micro fiber cloth to roll it over the leather jacket once again.
Now have a look at your new shiny leather jacket with soft and glossy touch.

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