Natural Tips to Combat Split Ends and Hair Loss

There are vast numbers of women who are suffering from the irritating problems of split ends and hair loss. If you are one among them, then here are some effective natural remedies that will help you out in getting out from the problems of hair loss and split ends. Malnutrition, excess intake of medicine or illness, is the most common cause of hair loss. Whereas, split ends can be also one of the major cause of hair loss. If this frustrating split end problems is not treated at a proper time, it may travel up to the root of your hair thereby effecting to the uneven growth. If you are facing the same problems, don’t fret any more. Here are some natural tips to deal with the difficulties of hair loss and split ends.

  1. Olive oil is one of the helpful solutions to deal with both the hair loss and split end problems. Apply them overnight and rinse your hair the very next day. Remember to wash your hair cold water and have a gentle massage on the scalp with your finger tips.
  2. Another great way to deal with these problems is to use mustard oil and henna leaves. In mustard oil boil the henna leaves properly till it gets totally burnt.  Filter the oil and massage it daily on the scalp and hair tips.
  3. Grind black pepper and seeds of lime together and make a fine paste. Apply this on scalp and rinse it after an hour.
  4. Coconut milk is the other most effective treatment to deal with the problems of hair loss and split ends. Massage the coconut milk over the complete scalp and gently massage it into the root. Coconut milk acts as a nourishing agent and helps in reducing hair loss and split ends.
  5. Vitamins hold up the natural color of your hair and at the same time also makes your hair healthy. Thus, if you are facing the infuriating problems of hair loss, dryness or split ends, intake abundant of leafy vegetables and fruits. In which, spinach and mango are best to go with! Also, make sure you consume lots of water and minerals.
  6. Pampering your hair with regular hair oil massage is the excellent technique to tackle with the problems of hair loss and split end.  Even, keep your hair well conditioned in summer and winter so that split ends do not grow.
  7. Avoid pointed clips rubber bands, harsh shampoo and spiky combs as this will prone to the complexities of hair loss.

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