Guidelines to Clean Antique Clothing

Some useful tips to keep your antique clothing in a good condition without damaging your clothes lets read the whole article carefully to know some of the tips. Many people talk about the different, style, fashion and trend. However, some people think to give some uniqueness in your look. Do you also belong in the same type? If want to get away from the usual and common clothes then switch on to antique clothing. This clothing gives you some new and some uniqueness to your look as well as your personality. You might have noticed many celebrities wearing a fad antique dress who really bring some charm in their beauty. If you are also among those and want to live up with that charm, then you have to take a little care of your antique clothes. Therefore, to hold up with the most admirable comment and to be the head turner of the party you have to take a very good care of it from cleaning to conditioning. Here are some useful tips to clean your antique clothes. It is very difficult to clean your antique clothes if it is made up of fine pearls, beads or stone. Washing it in the washing machine will worsen the embellishments of the cloth. Various detergents used to clean the stains appear on the antique cloth will harsh the material and leave its natural shine. Therefore, gentle cleaning with hand is the best way to damage-free your antique clothing.

  1. The very first and important thing you have to notice is that, lay the antique dress on the floor look carefully the loose beading, tears, open seams or rips. Take the matching thread as per your dress color and repair the lose beading carefully before it has been put for cleaning process.
  2. Place your thick white towel on the floor, place your antique clothing over it after washing then again place a white towel over it, and flatten it out. Do not place colored towel or else the color of the towel get easily transfer to your antique dress and you will be helpless to repair it. The dress can be useless at the end.
  3. Clan your antique dress with the easy mixture. All you have to do is to mix one tablespoon of castile soap with one gallon of cool water, stir it properly and with the help of the sponge wring out the excess water.
  4. You must not rub the fabric with the sponge as it will not help you instead it will tear your fabric and damage it easily. Make sure you continue with the blotting of the fabric to remove all the satins and dirt.  Make your antique to dry completely in the room temperature.
  5. Prepare a mixture of the oxygenated bleach with water as per the followed instruction of manufacturers. Use a dirt free sponge, dip it into this mixture, and dab on the spots or the stain unless it doesn’t get faded or removed.

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