Get Free from Unwanted Hair by Threading It Off

It is obvious that women hate hair growing on the unnecessary places rather than on their head. But getting a threading done can easily remove all the hair and bestow you with soft and fair looking skin. Here are some simple tricks of threading that you can learn to remove unwanted hair from your body. Generally, women get a threading done on their eyebrows. But- Threading is the best way to remove that unwanted hair popping mostly on the upper lips, chin, cheeks, side burns and eye brows as well.  This is one of the hair removing techniques in which cotton thread is twisted and rolled on the skin which knits hair together in the thread. Then, the thread is lifted and the hair gets pulled out from the root. Threading is more accurate method than waxing. Here are some tips and tricks that are involved in threading.

  1. Initially, take about 2 feet long or 24 inches of fine cotton thread. Ensure that the thread you use is made of superior quality and is strong enough to be pulled. However, there is no such exceptional thread which is used for threading, but finest and strong quality cotton thread is usually used for the purpose.
  2. Now, by taking both ends of the thread, knot them properly. This is done since you have to a loop of thread around.
  3. Wind the thread for around ten minutes so that it can lie exactly in middle of the thread.
  4. Keeping the thread around your fingers of both hands, press on the winded part of the thread in the direction of one hand. For this, widen the finger one hand and whilst close the fingers of the other hand.
  5. Pushing and pulling the thread is the most essential factor in threading, once you get your hand fix in this, you can step ahead with the threading part.
  6. Do not thread directly on your brows or chin. Instead, practice threading method on your legs so that you get a rough idea on how good you can perform.
  7. Before you commence be seated comfortably on a chair and make out which part of the leg you want to get the threading done. Start with the same above procedure and move the thread back and forth. This with lift up the hair from its base and pull them out.
You’ll have to get this trick into practice so that you can get a threading done at home before you plan for hangout, so that you don’t have to feel annoy of unwanted hair.

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