Eight Easy Steps for Stain-Proof Leather Boots

Leather boots are the fabulous wardrobe accessory with myriad of colors and stylish patterns. But walking with these fabulous boots can ruin the quality of the leather. As they get exposed to all sorts of elements such as water, dirt, salt and mud. The most sensitive one are the soft leather which sometimes gets easily break- down in contact with harsh conditions. It’s always a good idea to stain proof the leather boots before wearing it but if spots start appearing on it then the leather boots needs help.

So here are some tips, how one can get rid of those stains from the leather boots.

  1. If the substance on the leather boot is wet, then blot up immediately before it gets dry. This helps in preventing the stain to settle. Use an absorbent cloth to blot the stain and don’t rub it as this will force the stain deeper into the leather.
  2. If the stain on the leather boot as dried up then use a soft brush to briskly rub off the stain. Go in a back and forth motion while brushing the stain. This will help to loosen up the material fast.
  3. Spray medium and hold the hairspray onto a clean cloth and use it gently to blot the stain. This will help the leather from getting stiff later on. Always remember not to rub or push onto the leather, because this will worsen the stain even more.
  4.  After spray, blot the stain again with a dry, clean cloth and leave the boots to dry.
  5. Even if the spots are evident then mix ½ cup of white vinegar with ½ cup water. Then dab a clean, dry cloth into the vinegar solution and remove the stain. Do not soak the leather with the solution as this will create much bigger stain.
  6. Leave the leather to dry and repeat it till the stains are gone.
  7. Further, always keep the boots out of direct sunlight as it weakens the shell life of leather. Store it in a temperature – controlled environment as extreme condition causes break down in leather and it get fade over time.
  8. During summer seasons, clean the boots thoroughly before storing it. If the boots are left dirty and salt encrusted, it may permanently get damage by next season.

Follow these above eight easy steps and get rid of the stains from your leather boots forever.

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