How to free skin from sun tan

Over exposure of skin to sunlight leads to tanned skin. More often, necks, arms and face are prone to sun tan. However, if you think your sunscreen lotions are of no use, then here are some natural remedies to deal with sun tan problems. After long hours of sun exposure most of them might undergo flashing light and dark stripes on their body. This is nothing but sun tan. Tanning of skin is a natural process which safeguards itself from the damaging ultra-violet (UV) rays of sun. Due to this exposure of harmful rays, skin starts producing a brown toned pigment, known as melanin that makes your skin dark and tanned. Skin tan is extremely difficult to remove once your skin becomes tanned, however some tricks can help! Here are few simple and effective tips to get rid from tanned skin.

  1. Grind few potatoes and make a thick paste. Later add juice of lemon into the paste and mix them well. Apply this mixture on your tan skin and allow them to stay on your skin for not more than half an hour.  Rinse if off after drying. For best results, follow the same procedure for twice a week.
  2. Lemon acts as a bleaching agent thus works extremely well with skin tan, neck darkness, elbow darkness and ankle darkness. Cut lemon into slices and rub it on the effected tan region. After 30 minutes, rinse it off.
  3. Another best natural cleanser and bleach is curd. Apply them daily on the affected part so as to reduce sun tan or skin darkness.  Applying curd daily can deep cleanse your skin and at the same time make it soft and glowing.
  4. Squeeze juice from some tomato and apply it directly your skin allows it to stay for 20 minutes. Going through this procedure twice or trice can be helpful to reduce the darken skin.
  5. In a container mix powdered oatmeal, almonds, milk, plain yogurt and it to some for some time. Later, apply the mixture directly on the tanned part and allow it to dry completely. After drying, rinse it with lukewarm water.  Done two times a week will give, you improved result in the skin complexions.
  6. Aloe Vera is also one of the majorly used stuff for skin care. You can apply the gel of Aloe Vera on the tanned skin daily prior you go to bed. Wash it off the very next day and see the positive results.

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