Leather biker jackets are a never ending fad and you would find both men and women crave for this sassy and alluring attire.
The craze for leather biker jackets is such that people do not even mind them wearing every day. However, sometimes this everyday wearing results in fading of the color of the jacket. Though leather looks good as it ages but they would not look good if the shine is gone. For many it would be the time to buy a new leather biker jacket. However, here we come to tell you that you could get an all-new jacket without spending a big amount. No, we are not refraining you from buying a new one but how great it would be if you get your old new jacket in the new avatar.
The best thing that restoration process is not too long and you could all do it yourself.It would also not take much of your time too. Let us start with the process. Get some leather cleaning material. This material is easily available with the cobblers, and you could even buy it from the store where you purchased your beloved biker jacket. The first step involves cleaning the dirt. Wipe off the dirt with a plain wet cloth but make sure that the cloth you use is clean. Do not use any soap or detergent as it would set in and make cleaning more difficult.
No matter how much you cared for your leather, it will get some stains. Deglaze your biker jacket. This would remove the oil stains, any finishes. This process is important because when you apply a new coat of paint, it will not stick to the surface, as there are oil stains that will prevent the paint to set in perfectly. Maintain homogeneity in your color application. The jacket should not look dabbed. Ensure that the jacket receives maximum exposure. This could be achieved if you hang your jacket over a hanger that is already filled. This would help the leather biker jacket to plump and so all the wrinkles get even exposure. However, make sure that the clothes under hangar are covered with a trash bag so that the color does not fall on them.
Here another important consideration is the choice of color. Get the same color or a matching tone. The first coat should be applied going from top to bottom. Spray the paint lightly for the first time. Wait for 15 minutes and then apply the second coat. The color restoration process is complete. Now let your leather jacket dry up completely. If you want to glaze it up, you could apply some finishes after the leather biker jackets get dried completely.