Leather Shirts that have Fringes can be Experimented with in your Wardrobe

Leather shirts having fringes can be influenced by many factors and form a distinct style in itself for your wear. Leather shirts have a type of design on them which make them different in appeal. One of such design pattern is fringes. Leather shirts can be worn in both formal and informal settings and when they are experimented with fringes, they attach a unique zing to your personality. Leather shirts can have fringes at many places. Leather shirts having fringes at the shoulders look very hot. These fringes can vary in length and density. Many leather shirts have fine fringes at the shoulder line and many of them have long fringes attached at that place. If you have broad shoulders, such fringed leather shirts will look awesome on your body frame. Leather shirts having fringes in the rear also are very modish. There are various variations in them, like the leather shirts having fringes in the mid half of the back and those having fringes at the bottom hem line at the rear. Some of the fringes on leather shirts at the rear can also be found on the spine line and the back of the shoulders. There are various styles in such fringes also. They can be individual and hanging from a particular end and others can be in clusters and have various formations of shapes and figures. The styles of fringes on leather shirts can take a way into current trends or be influenced from traditional wear styles. Leather shirts can have fringes in the front also. Some of the minimal fringes are based on pockets and cuffs of the leather shirt. They can be either curved at the edge or given a straight cut to look smart and glorious. These fringes can either jaunt or have a specific shape cut according to your taste. Some of these fringes on leather shirts have clear definition of images or printed texts that are spread throughout its surface to give an individual look. These are very famous these days and favored by many men and women. If you are a woman and want to look tender and delicate then you can have leather shirts having fringes at the front hemline and also the breast area. This adds more style and bold look t your attire and personality. Leather shirts may have fringes on the collar line also. Be it an open cut collar or a fully fledged collar, fringes look gorgeous and fashionable in all styles. You can have a loose string of fringes that give you an easy going look or a sharp cut fringe which will give you an authoritative look. You can have many collar style fringes for your leather shirt depending on the occasion and season of wear.

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