Make your suede jacket and coat look original and bright

  • By crook

After you have worn your newly purchased suede leather jacket and coat, it’s time to put it for wash. 1. As the material of the suede leather is velvety it can’t be treated with water. Hence if your apparel has caught little dust then ward it off with the help of a soft bristled brush or simple damp washcloth. 2. If there is pencil or pen marks then don’t get frightened, they can be simply rubbed off with general erasers. 3. Don’t try to test leather cleansers without testing the material beforehand. If you are not sure if the cleanser is meant for your suede leather then put it directly for professional dry cleaning. 4. You can apply little vinegar on tougher stains to make them disappear. 5. If your suede leather apparel is washable then after wash just squeeze out the water, don’t twist it excessively. Put it on hanger and wait for it to dry or simply put it in dryer. To avoid foul odor, follow some basic steps to protect your suede leather jacket 1. While you put your suede leather apparel on hanger, wrap it lightly with the plastic dry cleaning bag an see to it the ends are secure so that excessive air does not mingle. 2. Put a fair amount of baking soda in a pouch that has very tiny pores and hang it in the dry cleaning bag 3. Leave the leather to dry for a week 4. The baking soda has the property to soak up any kind of odor that might be lingering on your coat or jacket Now that your suede leather jacket or coat is washed and dry, you have to iron it to keep it wrinkle free 1. Be careful that the iron is set to low heat motion and your jacket is covered in press cloth 2. Iron with soft swift movements for few minutes After this procedure it is important that your suede leather jacket or coat is stored properly 1. Never keep your suede leather garment in too hot or warm place. Place it in a substantially cool and dry place so that there is no chance of any moss or bacterial growth which in turn can spoil the velvet 2. From time to time even if you are not using or suede jacket, brush it off with soft bristled brush and clean cloth so that the natural dust that accumulates over times gets removed 3. Spray the jacket with coatings that are easily found in market to keep the smears and mildews away. Your suede leather jacket and coat is all ready to be worn for your next outing and will look as novel as it was when this caught your eye in the store!

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