Now get modern hair dryers for yourself and get silkier hair

The finest hair dryers nowadays are innovative and different from the age old hair dryers which were available during the times of our grandmother. The utilization of advanced technology has reduced the time taken for drying and instantly progressed the quality of shine and sleekness for your hair. It garners a healthier look and fell to your hair and personality. The difference of the old hair dryers and that of the modern ones will be the material used on the outer cast. The internal components don’t have much of a difference. The traditional hair dryers had two significant parts: the metal coil which used to get warm and hot when the electricity used to pass through and an electrical an which blew the hot air out of the opening. The result, your hair would get dry but it would leave a dry feeling and would not have enough lusters. Negative ion technology is used in modern hair dryers as they heal your scalp and keep your hair root strong. While the traditional hair dryers used a lot of positive ions which in turn loosened the roots and opened up cuticles rendering a harsh look to your hair. The ionic hair dyer uses the same technique and use individual negative ions only. This gives a noticeable shine to your hair and gives them a nice flow and shape. The water droplets in your hair are broken down into smaller droplets by the negative ions; this helps your hair to dry quickly and shields your scalp from getting excessive heat. This is the reason why this kind of hair dryer gives your hair a better look. Ceramic hair dryers distribute the heat evenly on the areas of your hair. The traditional dryers had an issue of not being able to provide an even distribution of warmth on all the areas of the hair which would cause hair fall and blisters in bad cases. But ceramic is a material which heaths up moderately and is sensitive to the temperature around. If the temperature around the coil is more than necessary, it will itself tune down and vice versa. They also use a lot of negative ions. Tourmaline hair dyer is one of the best in the industry of hair dryers. They produce negative ions naturally when they are heated up and in lot more amount than the other two types of the dryers. Sometimes you will also find the other two types of the dryers to contain the blend components of tourmaline. They give a model like look and character to your hair. So get a choice of hair dryers to pick from and have a better hair day.

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