You might consider yourself a big fashion fanatic but at the same time, what you must be not aware is the fashion mistake that you make. Men irrespective of their age tend to make common fashion blunders and this might affect your image. Read on further to know more in this article!
For a thorough professional, being well-groomed and looking smart is a must. Given below is a list of fashion mistakes which today’s men commit.
Improper sleeve length
Few of the men think that sleeve length does not matter that much but a proper one is vital too and hence men should not miss this thing. No matter how well you present yourself, if the sleeves are not appropriate suppose too long or short, you are near to commit a big fashion blunder.
Bulky pockets are a big no-no. Many men in this world, though a big fashion fanatic do commit the mistake of wearing bulky pockets only to stuff their necessities in it. Well, this is actually wrong as it creates a big fashion slip-up. Kids might perhaps look acceptable in sandals but when it comes to adults, it must be avoided.
Too many pleats
Men must steer clear from pants, which has too many pleats. Majority of the men opt to wear pleated pants to get a roomy fit and feel. Well, this is a good pick only for those who do not have a fit body. Though these pants are common, few men do want them in either two or three pleats. If you really want to go for these try a single pleated one instead.
Color and style mismatches. This is one common mistake, which young and old males often do. Classic shades and designs is the way to step out in style this season, if you really want to stand apart from others and not look like a clown.
Ill-fitting apparels
Loose pants look good on women but not in the case of men. Baggy clothes for instance might be the trend for the season but it will only make you look messy and shabby. Choose clothes as per your body measurements and not something that you pick randomly from the market place.
Bad grooming
Last but not the least; grooming does play an important when fashion is concerned. The basic rule of fashion is to begin with the grooming factor only, which will rate you as good. Men who think that they look handsome with the unshaven look are absolutely wrong or when they keep their locks big. A yellow teeth, untrimmed hair and nails can easily put off your woman.
Important considerations
It is important to dress appropriately before you step out of the house. Above listed guidelines will be surely helpful for you in staying off from those regular fashion blunders. However, it might take some time for you to get the basics right, eventually you will be there when the occasion demands. Flipping through the pages of fashion magazines or channels will surely give you an insight of how well you can step out to woo your woman!