If you are struck with your problem of choice, go through the article below and know the difference between various bags before grabbing one, or more, soon.
Handbag is the most preferred and stylish accessory which flaunts a women’s getup. From the conventional shoulder strap bags, totes, ultra-modern wristlets, and laptop bags, today the market is flooded with a whole lot of options. However, the priority depends on the particular occasion. Below we have listed few trendy types of handbags that serve both style and purpose, so have a look before shopping.
Shoulder Strap Bag:
Being stylish and easy to carry, the shoulder strap bag is the most commonly preferred for women. It is available in a variety of sizes and designs to suit your comfort and latest trend. The finest thing about these bags is that you can carry it well with both formal and casual outfit.
A clutch, as its name suggests, is more of a hand held purse than a handbag but compared to handbag, it is more comfortable and stylish because of its less weight and of course small size. This hand purse goes well with both casuals and traditional wears.
A wristlet is typically a clutch but with certain addition-, small strap at one end of the bag that lets you insert your hand through the strap and hold the bag to your wrist. The bag stays safe on the wrist and allows your hand to be free from other thing. Like clutch, a wristlet compliments on every occasion.
Tote Bag:
These are over sized handbags meant especially for short traveling or shopping. designed from soft fabric, a tote bag looks cool and also have an adjustable strap which helps you to set it according to desired length. In the era when plastic bags are a big NO, these bags are simply welcomed. It not only accommodates
Muff handbag
All blessings to the manufacturer who came up with a new, innovative idea of making a muff bag, which keep protects your hand during color winter days. Made of velvet, wool and at times fur, a muff bag has slight opening on either side, in which one can easily slip her hands to stay protected during the cold weather.
Laptop Bag:
For a working woman who is always on the go for corporate stuffs, a laptop bag is must. Made of soft leather, this bag is as strong as it is convenient and enhances the impact of the business look.
So be on the trend this season by shopping the best handbag!