Tricks to Confiscate Cigarette Smell From Leather

Are you irritated of the cigarette smoke smell that got struck to your leather outfit when you were partying hard last night? Here are some cleaning tricks that you can follow. The residual smell of cigarette on your favorite leather outfit can be really grating.  However, this irritating odor has the tendency to linger and at times can be unpleasant for the one who are sensitive or allergenic to it. If smoke stink has attached itself your leather garb, it can make an apparently bigger dilemma as leather is so highly strung to clean. Before you take your expensive leather outfit to a professional cleaner, leave this as a final option so as to save your wallet from unnecessary expenses. Just check out the below given cleaning tips to remove those irritating cigarette odor from your outfit. Things that you may need for removing the cigarette odor:-

  • Saddle soap or leather soap
  • Clean cloth
  • White vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Newspaper
Steps for removing cigarette smoke odor:-
  • Apply leather soap or saddle detergent to wipe and clean the leather with it. Follow the steps given on the bottle for accurate results. Rinse the leather outfit with a clean wet cloth and wipe it off to sop up any remaining moisture. Hang your outfit outside for air dry. Do not place it in the direct rays of sun so as to protect its color from fading.  This may help out in removing the lingering odor from the outfit.
  • Make a solution by mixing water and vinegar in a spray bottle and mist it light. Vinegar helps in eliminating the odor. Make use of clean cloth and wipe down any residue on the surface and allow it to air dry.
  • Another best trick is to sprinkle baking soda profusely over the leather outfit and let them to set full night. The very next morning, simply vacuum up the residues of baking soda from leather and you could find the disappearance of smell. Repeat the procedure if required.
  • Cover up your leather outfit with newspaper and leave it in dry and cool place. it helps in absorbing smoke odors.  Allow the newspaper wrapping for one to two days and repeat this procedure if you feel necessary
Warnings and necessary tips:-
  • If the odor persists and nothing works in getting the smell out then consult a leather professional.
  • Avoid making use of abrasives and harsh chemicals as this can damage the stunning leather material.

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